Friday, 13 April 2012

Genetically modified crops - Lettuce

Lettuce is a leafy vegetable which has vitamin A in large quantities. The beta cells in the pancreas of our body produce insulin. Blood sugar which is produced in the body is stored in the cells and used by the body whenever it is needed. When a person suffers from diabetes, the beta cells do not produce insulin. Lettuce has been genetically modified to fight diabetes.  This lettuce was developed by a scientist named Daniell. He injected the lettuce with the human gene to produce insulin. The lettuce thus produced has the normal insulin which is the same as the insulin produced by the beta cells of a non diabetic person. Scientists chose lettuce to produce insulin because the crop can be cultivated very cheaply. This genetically modified lettuce was tested in a diabetic mice.  After consuming this lettuce for nearly two months, the sugar level of the mice became normal and the beta cells also produced insulin in the normal way as how it is generated in a non diabetic mice. Daniell proved that this genetically modified lettuce is capable of making the beta cells to produce insulin in its normal way. This genetically modified lettuce is still not fully cultivated and tested in humans. But once this comes into existence, it can definitely reduce the number of people suffering from diabetes. The people suffering from diabetes usually take insulin injection to control diabetes. But, since the plant cell walls are made up of cellulose, it does not allow the insulin to degrade. When people suffering from diabetes eat the genetically modified lettuce, the bacteria which are present in the intestine react with the cell walls and tries to break the cell wall. As a result, the insulin which is stored in the lettuce is released into the blood. There are a lot of food restrictions for people suffering from diabetes. However, a diabetic patient is allowed to eat lettuce because it contains all necessary vitamins, nutrients and fibres. Even if this genetically modified lettuce comes into existence, the diabetic patient can very well consume this lettuce without any second thought. This lettuce can also be consumed by the persons not suffering from diabetes also so that they can be prevented from being affected by diabetes.

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